Exhibiting and Sponsoring

Are you supplying products or services to the development sector or looking to access a new industry ecosystem?

Development2030 is an opportunity to show the global development community how your organisation can help meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Covering the full development supply chain and ecosystem, it’s the central marketplace for the community.

Exhibiting organisations include a variety of private sector companies, including medical companies, agricultural businesses, logistics companies, energy suppliers, water and sanitation specialists, communications networks, engineering/civil engineering consultancies, investment managers, investment advisers and facilitators, security providers, education specialists and technology suppliers, alongside international NGOs, associations, consultancies and media.

Reasons to exhibit at Development2030:

  • Position yourself in front of the professional development community

  • Generate new leads

  • Demonstrate your products and services face-to-face

  • Raise brand awareness

  • Launch new products and services

  • Attract attention from global media

  • Raise funds

  • Attract companies looking for development finance and fundraising NGOs

  • Benefit from an array of free marketing services from the moment you sign up

Interested in exhibiting? Please get in touch with our Commercial Director Iska Meyer-Wendecker - iska.meyer-wendecker@aid-expo.com